• Introduction to Python
  • Setup and creating Environment
  • Data types, Variables
  • Data structures and file operations
  • ControlFlow,Functions
  • Module,Packages
  • Errorsand Exception handling
  • Object Oriented Programmingin Python
  • Introduction to Django Web
  • Framework
  • Python for RDBMS
  • Creating a data base with MySQL,CRUDO perations
  • Django Template System
  • Creating forms
  • Dynamic Web pages
  • Creating a REST API
  • Parsing XML/JSON with Python

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  • Getting started with android programming!
  • Obtaining the Required Tools
  • Creating First Android app
  • Java for Android
  • Introduction to Activities and Intents
  • Getting to know Android User Interface
  • Designing User interface with Views
  • Displaying Pictures and Menus with views
  • Multimedia
  • Data Persistence
  • Content Providers
  • Connecting Android with PHP, MySQL
  • Mini Project:-'Show Me'- AVideo
  • CollectionApp
  • Publishing Android app

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  • Introduction to IoT
  • Applications of IoT
  • Building Blocks in IoT
  • Introduction to different development boards
  • Basic of Electronics
  • Fiddling with Arduino
  • Controlling LEDs with arduino
  • Controlling Motors
  • Connecting Analog Sensors
  • Connecting Digital Sensors
  • Communication Protocols : Wifi, BLE, GSM, ZigBee
  • Connecting your Arduino to the Internet
  • Recipe for IoT Server
  • Introduction to Python
  • BasicWeb API Creation
  • Basic Database Operation
  • Creating Graphs and Plots
  • Connecting the Blocks

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  • Introduction to R
  • Installing R Studio
  • R Packages
  • Data types and Variables
  • Data Structures in R
  • Conditional statements and Control Flows
  • Functions and Loops
  • "Apply" Family of Functions
  • Basic statistical Functions
  • Introduction to Data Science
  • Importing Data in R
  • Describing Data
  • Importing CSV files
  • R Data sets and Data Frames
  • Data Analysis
  • Saving Data
  • Visualizing Data in R

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